No agreement for justice reform

23/05/2016 00:00

Despite the appeals of foreign diplomats, the justice reform has not
progressed as requested. The Parliamentary Commission discussed this
Monday and progressed with some of the articles, which have increased in
number after the Democratic Party published their own draft for the

The DP is discussing the draft with their Parliamentary Group and have not presented it yet at the Special Commission. The opposition insists to simplify the system architecture by removing the four institutions proposed in the current draft.

The Democratic Party representative at the Commission, Oerd Bylykbashi, was asked by Top Channel about the declaration of the US Ambassador in Tirana, who said there is no more time for big changes in the draft. Bylykbashi asked the international partners to not rush it.

“We have lost more time by rushing things and by insisting. Patience and reason will make us progress”, he said.

Bylykbashi says that the propositions of the opposition eliminate the capturing of the system, and that there is room to find a mutual agreement.

“The other party is still holding the system that grabs power. We are contributing for this system to be dismantled. There is room to discuss for a mutual agreement”, he said.

However, the majority has another view. Fatmir Xhafaj says that there is only one political matter to be resolved, and this was decided by Venice too.

“Based on our evaluation and that of international experts, Venice Commission has left only one matter that can be considered as political, and that is the qualified majority, the way how the Supreme Council of Justice and the Supreme Council of Prosecution will be elected, together with other important institutions. Venice has seen everything else as technical. Venice has made it clear there is only one political matters. All others are technical”, Xhafaj said.

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