Facebook threats, Simoni: “Cases need study”

18/02/2016 15:35

A young man blackmailing his girlfriend with intimate photos is now
under investigation by the Prosecution of Serious Crimes. But he is not
the only one. The Court of Serious Crimes has had 30 cases during 2015
with threats made through social media and cell phones.

There are even extreme cases, such as: “I head you insulting me when you were walking in my neighborhood and now I want 10.000 ALL”, a message sent to a young man in Durres.

“This phenomenon is getting bigger among youth”, said the President of the Court of Serious Crimes, Sander Simoni.

Three 14-year-old students from Elbasan were found guilty and sentenced to two years of probation for asking money from a girl in their class. They had threatened to beat her.

The Court of Serious Crimes confirms that this phenomenon need studies, so that the criminal policy can adopt to it.

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