Meta & Basha meet to discuss “Vetting” process

01/08/2016 00:00

Constitutional schedule needed to put to vote the laws that follow the Justice Reform package has been holding political actors in Tirana even in the first day of August started. Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha and member Oerd Bylykbashi met today with Head of Parliament Ilir Meta. The parties consulted in order to find a way to vote as soon as possible the Vetting law, according to a press release by the Head of Parliament.

It also stated that Meta has Basha’s support in approving this law and the opposition will be actively part of the Special Parliamentary Commission due to meet tomorrow. “Basha expressed his commitment that opposition members of the commission will be willing to go through with the process as soon as they will have a chance to read the latest drafts, especially those on Special Prosecutor’s Office and the Law of Judicial Government Bodies”, the press release stated.

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