Men, lazier than women

04/07/2011 16:30

Albanians spend only 4 hours working, in average, while they sleep for 9 hours, in average.

The INSTAT study that has followed for one entire year 2250 Albanian families, has concluded that males not only spend more time at paid work then females, but they are paid almost 35% more than the opposite gender, for the same amount of time.

95% of the women and 39% of the men do house works, take care of children, prepare food and do shopping. Experts have analyzed the day of an average family, which shows that at least 40% of the men go to sleep at 23:00, and 60% of the women are doing house works.

Albanian males have more spare time to take care about themselves or to watch television, in comparison with males in Norway, where works inside a family are equally divided between both partners. While in Italy, men do more house works than women.

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