Ilir Meta holds SMI electoral meeting in Berat, its stronghold

08/06/2017 00:00

Berat and Skrapar are Ilir Meta’s electoral strongholds. The newly voted
President of Albania, founder of the Socialist Movement for
Integration, was born in a very mountainous Skrapar village, and that is
where his political career started.

The SMI supporters arrived two days after Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting there, and his comments against Ilir Meta were not welcomed by them.

After holding electoral campaign in Northern Albania, Tirana and Fier, the SMI gathered at their stronghold, Berat, the city where Meta shows that he can play very well with his strongest card, young members. The podium in this city was full of young SMI members, while older people were following it from nearby parks and cafes.

As always, Meta had Petrit Vasili with him in Berat as well, where he showed that he not only supports him as the party’s new leader, but also orients him.

Proud for the fact that the SMI members of Berat were born and raised in that city, Meta asked their citizens to vote for Petrit Vasili as Albania’s next Prime Minister.

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