Former NY Mayor Giuliani celebrates in Tirana with Iranian opposition

21/03/2018 13:20

The Iranian opposition of MEK celebrated the Sultan Novruz in Tirana, Albania, in a large meeting with thousands of members.

The leader of the organization, Mariam Rajavi, said that the last year was closed with a series of rebellions, and the next year will also bring others, until there is freedom.

Present in the event was Rudi Giuliani, former New York Mayor and adviser of the US President for Cybernetic security.

Giuliani said that the MEK members are real heroes who have fought the Iranian regime for decades.

“The corrupted regime of the Ayatollah is about to collapse. The US policy, different from the past one that tried to please the Mullahs, is ready to consider them responsible for crimes inside and outside the country; ready to support the legitimate right of the Iranian people for a change of the regime”, Giuliani said.

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