Vasili accuses World Bank for tender

01/09/2011 20:30

The World Bank withdrew from financing a project for bringing new
hospital equipments in Albania, with the argument that the Assessing
Commission gave the tender to a company that offered the highest bid.

The World Bank announced this decision by sending a letter to the Albanian government, as reported in the written media.

But the Health Minister, Petrit Vasili rejects this declaration of the World Bank, accusing this international institution of insisting to give this tender to a company with falsified documentation.

“The World Bank did not accept the lowest price. They asked a wide technical assessment. Therefore, the Health Ministry accepted to give up from the lowest bid. Despite the fact that the World Bank referred that we should see the winner at the higher bids, this responsibility was taken by the World Bank, and we assessed it. After the assessment, we declared as winner a given company. The World Bank insisted for another company. This other company had falsified declarations in the tender documentations, for which the World Bank specialists in Washington were notified through a written notice”, Vasili declared.

Although these actions were taken six months ago, the tender was won by a company that bid 600.000 USD more than the others.

But the Health Minister, Petrit Vasili says that it was the World Bank that asked a higher price, since these equipments had an advanced technology.

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