Message of Catholic bishops for Year of Skanderbeg

17/01/2018 19:59

On the pan-national year dedicated to Skanderbeg, the Catholic bishops of Albania address a message to all Albanians, thanking God that thanks to patriots like Skanderbeg, Albanian lands have freedom and their citizens have a country.

Do they address a series of questions for the present: “Do we feel really free 27 years after the fall of communism? What is oppressing us today? What are our fears? Why so many delays for becoming part of the EU, a dream that has always been close to us? Why don’t we love our country same as our fathers, who died for it, but we want to leave it? Who are today’s enemies so that we can fight them together, such as poverty, inequality, corruption, illiteracy, etc. We need a strong change of honesty and meritocracy for the best of our nation”.

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