Unusual exhibition in Belgrade displays Serbia’s war crimes in Kosovo

20/03/2018 21:32

An exhibition was opened in Belgrade this Monday, displaying photos and videos that are unusual to Serbs.

It is an exhibition about the Kosovo war, with photos and videos from the conflict in 1998-1999.

The exhibition is a joint initiative of the Prishtina and Belgrade  Humanitarian Legal Center, and displays evidence that were used at the International Court if Crimes for the former Yugoslavia.

“So far, Serbian courts have reviewed and sentenced only 61 cases out of 8700 Albanian civilians killed in this conflict”, declared Nemanja Stjepanovic, from the “Humanitarian Law Centre” of Belgrade.

Stepjanovic says that as regards crimes committed against Albanians, there have been only four cases so far, and no others have been started.

The exhibition will stay open for nine days in Serbia’s capital.

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