Reproductive health care

11/06/2011 16:00

Albanian women are still behind in terms of regular consultations with
the gynecologists. According to gynecologists, after 35 years of age,
many women suffer heavy menstrual bleeding, or menorrhagia. But few are
the women who treat this problem with medical care.

Menorrhagia symptoms negatively affect the quality of life for these women, affecting emotional stress and sometimes causing even depression and sexual dysfunction. Doctors recommend the use of contraceptives without synthetic hormonal content.

“Every hormonal product has had lateral effects, by increasing breast cancer probabilities and heart problems”, says Astrit Bimbashi, head of the Obstetrics Department at “Koco Glozheni” Maternity.

According to Bimbashi, the menorrhagia period causes women to disrupt their career and everyday chores, damaging even their social life. If gynecologist visits would be more frequent, these problems could pass more easily. Same would be with severe menopause symptoms, by stabilizing the hormones through contraceptives that contain hormones similar to those of the body.

According to a health demographic study, 11% of the Albanian women use modern contraceptives, and 59% use traditional methods.

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