Countryman: Dialogue, no danger for Kosovo

07/07/2011 18:20

The US Assistant Deputy Secretary of State, Thomas Countryman, greeted
the agreements achieved in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

During an interview for “RTK”, Countryman emphasized that these talks do not make any danger for Kosovo territorial independence.

“Allow me to be very clear on what USA thinks about this. We would  never make something that would encourage Kosovo to engage in a process that accepts agreements that would damage its independence, its sovereignty and its territorial integrity”, Countryman declared.

He underlined that the agreements achieved with Belgrade do not contain a single word that would damage Europe’s newest state.

“There isn’t a single word in these agreements that could turn back the progress achieved by Kosovo. The danger is zero. There is no danger”, Countryman declared.

The high US official declared that the bilateral agreement will only improve the life of both countries.

“We must not exaggerate and think that these agreements would solve all the problems, but they are an important step for improving the life of Kosovo and Serbia citizens”, Countryman added.

The high rank US official excluded all possibilities for a territorial division of Kosovo, emphasizing that in XXI Century Europe there will be no border changes.

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