Basha: Optimist for the result

20/05/2011 18:50

The Democratic Party candidate for Tirana Mayor, Lulzim Basha, expressed his optimism for the result of the votes that are
being counted by the Central Election Commission during the counting process of the ballots that
were mistakenly cast in the wrong boxes.

He underlined that he is determined to count every vote and to make transparent the citizen’s will.

Basha declared that violence does not help the progress of this process.

“There’s no doubt that I feel optimistic by the results, while CEC, acting as a Zonal Election Commission, is proceeding with the uncounted votes. No one must declare himself as winner without hearing first all the voices of the people. I remain determined that every vote will be counted. I am awaiting the final result, but I will wait patiently until the process will be over”, Basha declared.

“This is a very narrow race, and exactly because it is such, we must be very strict to the law. Blocking the streets and clashing with the police does not help the progress of this process, which has been the most transparent ever, and I think that it will continue to be such”, Basha emphasized.

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