Justice reform. Rama invites Basha again. Basha accuses.

15/07/2016 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, wrote a letter to the opposition leader, which he published on his Facebook profile.

In this letter, Rama says that the strange proposition of the US Ambassador to have him and Basha not leave a room until consensus is reached, it shows the importance the reform has for the USA.

Edi Rama says he sees frustration also from the largest European partner, Germany, from where a high-level official has recently blamed the opposition for the lack of consensus.

Rama reminded Basha that the international partners have publicly rejected their last proposition. He says that he is looking forward to a constructive proposition backed by the international community so that they can vote it in Parliament, without changing a thing.

Basha’s response was very short. He reiterated that their proposition is baed on the Venice Recommendations which both parties had accepted as their only guide. Basha asked Lulzim Basha to authorize negotiators to return, showing this way he didn’t favor the meeting of this Monday, as challenged by the US ambassador.

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