EU Spokesperson reacts to Meta’s declaration

23/11/2019 06:54

The Spokesperson for the EU, Maja Kocijancic, reacted after President Meta declared that some of the international partners are “clowns”.

Kocijancic said that such declarations are unacceptable and underlined that the work of ambassador Luigi Soreca and of the EU delegation ahs the full support of Brussels.

“The declarations and the actions of the EU representatives share the stances and views of the block”, Kocijancic said. “We reiterate our fll support to the excellent work that the EU Ambassador and Delegation is doing to bring the country closer to the EU. All the EU representatives and the member countries are working to effectively support Albania’s efforts to bring forward the essential reforms that are for the best of its citizens.

“We believe that the respect and cooperation is guaranteed by all actors in the country, with the purpose to promote our partnership with Albania”, the Spokesperson declared.

Meta’s harsh reaction came after the Special College of Appeals removed Besnik Muci form his duty, who had been appointed by Meta at the Constitutional Court.

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