DP proposes amends for Decriminalization Law based on “Prenga” case

24/02/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party have put the government into a test, to prove that
Armando Prenga has no government protection and that he should leave the

For this reason, the opposition proposed to amend the decriminalization law which ended in effect a few weeks ago and that should enter in effect on March 6th.

This law is one of the harshest, according to domestic and foreign experts. It bans people with criminal records from entering politics. But,, apparently, for democrats the past and crimes are not an obstacle for the situation of the Albanian Parliament.

The proposition of the opposition targets MP Armando Prenga and aims to suspend his work until trial. The law amend mentions no names, but it is clear that it is about the circumstances of Armando Prenga.

Although the law for decriminalization went through a difficult political process with international intermediation, it is one of the laws that the government and opposition have voted with consensus.

The new amends have not been consulted with the majority. The stance of the SP is still unknown.

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