Topi: We need the territorial reform

25/04/2014 00:00

During a meeting with his party structures in Librazhd, the New
Democratic Spirit leader, Bamir Topi, mentioned the huge problems in the
justice system.

Topi declared that the main reform that needs to be done is that of the justice system, for which we have been making useless debates for 20 years.

Topi also underlined the need for a territorial reform.

“The reform is a necessity. We support the variant that all political actors need to be part of this communication. But if there are caprices, I think that this country needs to progress. If the Parliament has the votes, the reform must continue”, Topi declared.

Topi added that today’s opposition is in chaos due to the lack of internal democracy. According to him, this is the eason why they left the main cause as a right wing party.

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