Tirana Mayor: “Electric train to Rinas Airport and Durres, within next term”

23/07/2018 17:22

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, said that Tirana will have an electric train that will connect the capital to Albania’s main airport, within the next term.

Veliaj said that Albanians will be able to travel from Tirana to Rinas and to Durres through the new electric train. The station will be right where the old one was, where now stands an old locomotive to remind the past.

The Mayor said that the new art installation, the locomotive produced in 1951, coincides with the first consortium that foreran the EU, the Union of Steel and Coal. From the agreement of 51 was born what today is called the European Union, and Albania plans to open negotiations next year for joining the EU.

VEliaj underlined that the future of Tirana is not that of a city in which the municipality is the only one taking care of it, but many young boys and girls will be able to adopt a part of the city to decoarete it.

The locomotive placed at the New Boulevard was produced in Poland, in 1951, and completed its mission in Albania, 1986.


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