Outer Ring Road Protests

26/03/2011 16:00

Land owners whose property will be taken by Tirana’s outer ring road protested again earlier this day, demanding official expropriation by the government.

They claimed that there are many autochthon land owners who possess all documentations by the Real Estate Registration Office.

“We have awaited this road with pleasure and good consideration. We want the expropriation lists! The government must estimate land prices and find a common language with the owners. No land of this area can be sold for 3900 leks (27, 92 Euros) per meter square”, a land owner declared.

“This is private property, autochthon, and “Peta”, “Sina”, “Braja” and “Gebrahim” family names are the only owners of the area occupied by the outer ring road”, another one declared.

“I want the ministry spokesperson to come and see if I am an illegal owner or not. Let her check the registration numbers in the Real Estate Registration Office. I agree to go to prison if my documents are not right”, another land owner declared.

Residents are even more revolted one day after the declaration released by the Ministry of Public Works spokesperson, according to whom the protestors are opposition militants and not real land owners, because, as she declared, the land where the Outer Ring Road passes is state property and not private.

“We do not represent Edi Rama or anyone else. We represent the land that our fathers passed us on”, another land owner said.

The Outer Ring Road constructions have continued with the help of many police forces, who prevented the land owners to stop the working vehicles.

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