Lower price for fiscal cases

09/09/2015 12:40

In the meeting against informality in the health sector, the Albanian
Prime Minister declared that electronic fiscal cases will now be much
cheaper, after the government talked the companies to reduce the price
from 330 EUR to 279.

The Chief of State Inspectorate, Eltra Deda, asked citizens to cooperate in the fight against informality. He asked them to report dishonest competitors.

The Health Minister, Ilir Beqja, said that 3% of the GDP goes to the non-public health system, but dentist clinics don’t declare the real value of the money they circulate. He asked fr cooperation in fighting informality at least for removing dishonest competition.

Prime Minister Rama underlined that the purchase bill is a guarantee for a safer service, and it makes it possible to return to citizens what they have paid for.

Rama said that inspectors who cooperate with abusers will face criminal charges. The draft law will pass the next week and employees whose insurance are not paid by employers will be encourage to report the crime by remaining anonymous.

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