HIV, 75 new cases in Albania

01/12/2012 00:00

Although Albania has a lower number of HIVAIDS patients, the spreading
level of the virus ranks it after Greece, with 75 new cases each year
and with a number that is growing annually.

But doctors say that the number could be even bigger, since there are cases that have not been identified. They confirm that the risk is present, since SDT diseases are increased, even Syphilis and Chlamydia.  

“There’s a growing trend, although we’re a country with a relative prevalence. Albania has the greatest level of increased cases that have been reported and diagnosed. In most of the cases they have been diagnosed in advanced phases, which means that there is a low level of testing, not only voluntarily but also during general tests through the health institutions that offer this service”, declared dr.Arjan Haxhi.

On the international day against AIDS, doctors ask for medicaments that can treat the patients and procedures that guarantee a testing on time, since in many cases that virus was in an advanced phase. They demand a special importance to the test of mothers, in order to prevent transmitting the virus to their children.

The number of infected patients in Albania is around 550, and only during this year, eight people have died. In developed countries, patients with HIV/AIDS received a regular treatment and enjoy full health.

War against HIV

December 1st is the World’s Aids Day. People throughout the world commemorate those who fought against the virus to the last breath, and they also cheer the successes of medicine and their response to HIV.

These are brave stories of common people who found the strength to continue fighting and supporting their relatives, partners or children. Referring to the UN report, more than 34 million people throughout the world have lived with this disease by the end of 2011.

The deaths caused by this virus fell to 1.7 million in 2011, when in 2005 it was 2.3 million. The number of infected people is falling. In 2011 there are 2.5 million young infected people, but the number is 20% lower than in 2001.

1000 New York residents gathered in Manhattan to commemorate the World’s AIDS Day.

One of them declared that great events are what mobilize people, because there are many others who do not give away anything.

China promises to reduce the AIDS deaths with 30% in 2015. The Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, declared that his government will do more to stop and control the spread of HIV. He made this declaration during a meeting with orphans and infected people, doctors, volunteers and activists. China, with a population of 1.4 billion residents, had more than 492 infected patients by the end of this October, with 68.802 new cases in 2012.

In India, 2.5 million Indians from a 1.2 billion population are infected by the virus. The war of this country marked success in the last decade. The number of infected people fell with 50% from 2001 to 2009, while the average decrease in the world is 25%.

In Philippines and Bangladesh people held manifestations and asked the government to do more about the infected people and not close the doors to the ones infected.

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