Basha: Rama, the godfather of crime. Removing him, a national mission

20/06/2019 17:59

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared in a press release that Edi Rama is the mastermind of the electoral theft that was done through many criminals.

“The surveillance audio published by Bild showed the scheme and the methods of vote stealing. They have cooperated with drug traffickers, human traffickers, with killers and robbers. This alliance with the crime has used any mechanism to steal votes. They have threatened the opponents and have used violence against those who wouldn’t vote their candidates”,  Basha said.

“Another thing that we testified by the Bild surveillance tapes, is that the public administration was used to steal votes. The alliance with the crime has infected all party and state levels”, Basha declared, adding that removing Rama was a national mission.

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