Basha: Raised taxes, the Rama crisis

21/11/2015 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, said that taxes have raised
with 5.2% in the past year, referring to the report “Paying Taxes 2016”
of the World Bank.

Basha wrote on Facebook that this report proves how taxes have deteriorated the economy, creating what he calls the “Rama Crisis”.

“Paying Taxes 2016 has studied 189 world economies, and Albania is listed 142nd. We have lost 11 posts compared to one year ago. The report notes that the total tax rate has increased with 5.2%. The tax on businesses increased with 50% and the tax on property was doubled. Higher taxes, higher prices, higher unemployment and poverty, this is the Rama crisis”, Basha wrote.

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