SMI Municipal Unit leader accused of vote manipulation. SMI: “Political attack”

09/06/2017 00:00

The Tirana Police reported the administrator of the Municipal Unit 2, Elez Gjoza.

Police accuse him of registering 70 people with the same residence code, the one of his house.

Police say this was done with the purpose to influence the June 25th elections.

Investigators suspect that the transfer was made in exchange of votes and with promise for jobs. But Gjoza says that this is a political attack.

“This is a political attack. This problem was resolved in 2013 by the Prosecution. Several persons have arrived at my residence with a regular lease agreement, and they have all left to their homes”, said Elez Gjoza, administrator of Municipal Unit 2.

SMI reacted through their secretary, Luan Rama, who accused the state police of manipulation.

“I want to appeal the former Minister of Interior, who planted cannabis throughout Albania, to give up blackmails because he cannot scare me”, Gjoza said.

Luan Rama accused the Police and asked the Prosecution to intervene. He said that this is a political attack which damages the SMI.

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