Ministry of Finances: “Tax indicators increased in first trimester of 2016”
04/15 00:00
Meta: “Reforms, the key message of meeting in Washington”
04/15 00:00
130 luxury vehicles inspected, six resulted stolen
04/15 00:00
New institutions divide parties on Justice Reform debates
04/15 00:00
Minister Tahiri gives details about FBI agreement
04/15 00:00
PM Rama on CNN: ” I am against Trump because USA doesn’t belong only to itself”
04/14 11:40
Rama at the Oval Office, meets Obama and Biden at the White House
04/14 00:00
PM Rama arrives at the White House
04/14 00:00
Addition 30 million EUR for Tirana-Elbasan road
04/14 00:00
Prosecution confirms that helicopter took off for a training mission
04/14 00:00
Italy-Albania underwater gas pipeline tender concluded
04/14 00:00
Parliamentary investigation for privatization and state management of energy corporation
04/14 00:00
First trial session against Frroku failed today
04/14 00:00
EP approves resolution for Albania: “No integration without serious reforms”
04/14 00:00
DP, Duma: “US State Department report, alarm bell for Albania”
04/14 00:00
Rama at the Atlantic Council: “NATO enlargement increases security in Balkan”
04/13 18:20
PM Rama meets WB Director
04/13 17:55
Opposition leader in Cerrik: “Lower taxes will inject 1 billion EUR, create 25.000 jobs”
04/13 15:40
Case suspended for dynamite at pharmacy of Interior Minister’s father
04/13 14:00
President reacts after Tirana Mayor declaration: “He offended the institution”
04/13 12:30
US State Department: “Corruption and impunity remain a problem”
04/13 00:00
MPs fined after scuffle, Berisha got away with a remark
04/13 00:00
Opposition MPs: “Medicaments missing at the Tirana University Hospital Center”
04/13 00:00
Prosecution summons Farka Commanders for questioning
04/13 00:00
Rama meets USAID administrator, Gayle Smith
04/13 00:00
Kosovo will allow Serbs to vote for Serbian central elections
04/13 00:00
Mandates of Suli and Leskaj will be voted tomorrow by Parliament
04/13 00:00
Xhafaj: “Justice reform on its last steps”
04/13 00:00
Strong Gjirokaster Mayor and Aqueduct Director debate in front of cameras
04/12 17:30
Rama encourages Diaspora summit in New York
04/12 14:30