Van Rompuy: Situation in north to be resolved

18/07/2012 16:30

The Europeans don’t pay too much attention to their “gaffes” with the
faces or names of Balkan leaders. In her second visit in Brussels, and
even after the conversation, the President of the European Council asked
the President of Kosovo in front of the cameras how her name was

After praising her work and initiatives, and after evaluating that Kosovo marked progress during this year, Herman Van Rompuy listed the tasks.

“But there is still work to be done. EU expects Kosovo to step up its efforts on the European reform agenda, in particular as concerns the rule of law, public administration reform, electoral reform and the outreach to the minority communities”, Van Rompuy declared.

“I thanked Mr. Rompuy for his dedication and the dedication of the EU member countries, for their clear support towards Kosovo, regardless that its independence has not been yet recognized by five EU member countries”, Jahjaga declared.

The Kosovo President added that the country has made progress in the visa liberalization guide and the feasibility study. The EU President appreciated the Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue, listing as clear and tangible results the recognition of 73 diplomas, the copying of the civil registrar, which is under way, and the free movement in Serbia with identity cards.

“It is our joint challenge to ensure that all agreements achieved in the Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue so far are fully and promptly implemented, in particular with regards to crossing points and regional cooperation.  The parties need to address this situation in north Kosovo for the benefit of all the people living there.  I remain convinced that continuing the dialogue between Prishtina and Belgrade is the best way to achieve progress and ensure further stability and development in the region, which is the ultimate goal for the European Union”, Van Rompuy added.

“With the facilitation of the European Union, the dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia is taking place in Brussels. So far, seven agreements have been reached, agreements that ease the lives of the citizens on both sides of the borders.  As regards the relations between our two countries, we are not satisfied with the implementation of these agreements. We have requested from the European Union to find the mechanisms of monitoring and guaranteeing the implementations of these agreements”, Jahjaga underlined.

President Jahjaga held a long speech for the freedoms and rights of the minorities in the country, and the Constitutional amends that she promised to strengthen after Kosovo’s international surveillance will end on September. During her two-day visit in Brussels, Jahjaga met the highest representatives of the EU and NATO.

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