Students and teachers in face masks; 12-th graders to return with 10 to 15 students per classroom

29/04/2020 17:22

After 8 weeks of online teaching, the Ministry of Education made the decision on how to finish this academic year for the 12-th graders.

The only ones who will return to the school benches are the 12th graders in a three-week period from May 18 to June 5. Afterwards, 31,111 of them will take the exams on the dates set between June 8th and June 18th.

The director of the Education Services Center, Rezana Vrapi, told Top Channel some of the details of organizing the classes.
However, the conditions for the development of the teaching process and exams will not be the same as in previous years.

The Ministry of Education is drafting a detailed plan with strict rules such as safeguards to stop the spread of Covid 19, including physical distancing, disinfection of facilities, masks for students and teachers and no more than 10-15 people in the classroom.

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