DP, Ristani: Rama and Tahiri are closing the “Frroku” affair
09/14 14:25
German ambassador appeals youth to not leave the country
09/14 14:15
New draft-law and inspectorate for metrology
09/14 13:30
DP accuses government of replacing teachers with militants
09/14 12:30
Hotolisht teachers boycott lesson in protest
09/14 11:10
Meta in Tblisi: “Parliament, dedicated to transparency”
09/14 10:20
Ombudsman Totozani writes to Jean-Claude Juncker
09/14 09:30
PM Rama on first day of school
09/14 09:25
Only debates for the decriminalization process
09/14 00:00
Decriminalization, commission discussed Venice Commission report
09/14 00:00
Rama’s exposition in Munich
09/13 14:50
Decriminalization, Balla: “The problem are people like Basha and Ristani”
09/12 17:20
Association of Albanian Communes in Presheva angers Belgrade
09/12 16:35
OSCE, Raunig: “Report taken by media was internal informing material”
09/12 14:55
Banja HPP, Gjiknuri inaugurates new homes
09/12 11:30
Informality, 13.000 inspections in the first 10 days
09/12 11:15
Durres police seizes cannabis storehouse
09/12 10:45
One dead, two injured in Durres car crash
09/12 10:30
Tirana Police to cooperate with schools for new academic year
09/12 09:55
Security Academy higher education institution returns
09/12 00:00
Aldo Bare (Alfred Shkurti) demands Karavasta back
09/12 00:00
Presheva “Republic” announces Association of Albanian Communes
09/11 21:20
Albania votes in favor of the Palestine flag at the UN
09/11 18:40
Rama meets Bavarian PM, Seehofer: “Albanians, almost zero chances for asylum”
09/11 18:05
Criminal report for Arben Ndoka, HIDAACI: “He hid 1.5 million EUR”
09/11 16:10
Foreign investments and remittances increase
09/11 15:05
No construction permit without a local regulatory plan
09/11 14:55
Minister of Education: Withdraw purchase bill for school books
09/11 14:10
Opposition leader visits relatives of suicided man
09/11 14:00
Prosecutor General enlarges staff for corruption cases
09/11 13:45