Nation’s Road fee: “Kosovo and Albanian businesses will be treated the same”

06/06/2018 17:56

The Minister of Finances, Arben Ahmetaj, and the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Damian Gjiknuri, held a meeting today with representatives from the Kosovo Chamber of Economy, focusing on consultations with interest groups before reestablishing the Nation’s Road toll fee.

“We agree that a fee is needed, but we need to mitigate it the most we can. The lower price is being paid by the budget. The road requires a minimal of 7 million Euros a year for maintenance. It was either going to be paid by all Albanians, or by the users only. This is no hidden cost”, Gjiknuri declared.

The Minister of Infrastructure declared that the government is negotiating not only to address the problems of the local population, but also the general need of businesses in Albania and Kosovo.

“There will be no dishonest competition, due to increased transportation costs.  The practices will be the same for Kosovo and Albanian businesses”, Gjiknuri declared.

Ministers Ahmetaj and Gjiknuri heard the concerns raised by Kosovo businessmen and agreed to make maximal efforts to make it easier for them.

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