Modelja tregon celulitin: Është diçka normale për femrat (Video+Foto)

29/12/2018 09:55

Një modele australiane ka postuar në Instagram një video ku tregon celulitin e saj.

Jem Wolfie thotë se nuk ka aspak turp nga celuliti, pasi është diçka shumë normale te femrat.

“Ne grumbullojmë yndyrna tek të pasmet, këmbët, ijet dhe krahët. E urreja celulitin edhe unë, por tani e pranoj dhe mendoj se është seksi nëse je në formë dhe bën palestër”, shkruan Wolfie në postimin e saj.


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CELLU-LIT? lets normalise it one post at a time!! I’ll never forget the day I was sitting in the car when I was maybe 12 years old listening to the radio. The hosts were asking people to call in “things they find gross”. One guy somehow got let through and said how disgusting he thought cellulite was on women’s bodies. The female host shut him down pretty hard and he eventually got cut off for being a knob…. Cellulite is natural for women as we store higher fat around our bum, legs, hips and arms. I used to want to get rid of it now I embrace it and own it and realise it’s sexy to have it as long as I am still in shape, fit, strong and healthy! SONG: WET @lightskinkeisha

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