People hold up a black and white Puerto Rican flag to signify resistance and grief along a sign reading "Conforming and stopping to insist is like watching someone drown and let him die" during a rally on the Las Americas Highway in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 22, 2019 on day 9th of continuous protests demanding the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló. - Protests erupted last week after the leak of hundreds of pages of text chats on the encrypted messaging app Telegram in which Rossello and 11 other male administration members criticize officials, politicians and journalists. In one exchange, chief financial officer Christian Sobrino makes homophobic references to Latin superstar Ricky Martin. In another, a mocking comment is made about bodies piled up in the morgue after Hurricane Maria, which left nearly 3,000 dead. (Photo by eric rojas / AFP) (Photo credit should read ERIC ROJAS/AFP/Getty Images)