Pilot found not guilty for the drug traffic from air
10/29 00:00
Vetting sent to Venice Commission, Constitutional Court translated it with urgency
10/29 00:00
32-year-old went missing and now is back for her daughters, but her father seeks help
10/29 00:00
Tax Office with risk algorythm system like UEFA
10/28 00:00
Greek relatives demand cooperation for remains of dead soldiers
10/28 00:00
Population Registration starts on November 15th
10/28 00:00
New accusations against Fatmir Limaj
10/28 00:00
Farmers protest low price of tomatoes
10/28 00:00
Rama and Basha, different ideas for developing farming
10/28 00:00
Gjirokaster Judge suspended after sex scandal
10/28 00:00
World Bank, 63.8 million EUR for Berat, Gjirokastra and Permet
10/27 00:00
Former Fier Prosecutor sentenced for corruption
10/27 00:00
Syrian children in Tirana
10/27 00:00
Constitutional Court delays vetting law for translating it, but it already exists in English
10/27 00:00
Public debt reduced after 6 years
10/27 00:00
Opposition leader with IMF: “Albanian economy, endangered by drugs and corruption”
10/27 00:00
Kosovo Parliament, defendin KLA after convinction of former commanders
10/27 00:00
Easier border crossing procedures, “One stop, one verification”
10/27 00:00
More HIV/AIDS cases in prisons due to unprotected sex, injected drugs and tattoos
10/27 00:00
“Vetting” delayed by translation before sent to Venice Commission
10/27 00:00
Rama: “Autonomy in hospitals and public-private cooperation”
10/26 00:00
Audit Director: “Prosecution did not investigate thoroughly lawsuit against Minister”
10/26 00:00
SMI leader race, Meta runs against Spahiu and Rrokaj
10/26 00:00
Basha: “Deligitimized Parliment. Will hit back with facts”
10/26 00:00
Rama: “Berisha abused with Economic Assistance to companies”
10/26 00:00
President and Petro Koci exchange harsh comments over decoration of National Front members
10/26 00:00
Minister Ekonomi: “Albania attracts more investors”
10/25 19:55
EU and US embassies react after Constitutional Court suspended Vetting Law
10/25 19:05
Prison guards demand equal salaries to police officers
10/25 17:10
Constitutional Court suspends Vetting Law and accepts DP’s first request
10/25 00:00