Millions of EUR for the Roma

17/08/2013 00:00

The declaration of the European Union ambassador, Ettore Sequi, who said
that in Albania have been given 3 million EUR only for the Roma
community and their situation will be reflected on the progress report
of this autumn, by affecting this way the EU candidate status of
Albania, has cast new shadows of doubts on the destination of these

Journalists refer to the scandalous economic and social situation of Roma when they posed a series of questions to the European Union representatives in Tirana, asking who these funds had been given to, how were they implemented, have they been monitored and what was the final product of these investments?

The European Union press office in Tirana answered by saying that 12 projects have been realized since 2008, all funded by: CARDS program (Communitary Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization); IPA (Instruments for pre-adhering), EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights).

The fund sthat reach 3 million EUR in total have been received by Albanian and international NGOs, and PNUD in only one case. In 2008, the Albanian Women Association has received 142.000 EUR for a project in Durres and the Romanat village.

The Christian Association of Young Albanian Women has received 82.400 EUR for gender equality issues, and for professional education of the Roma community. In 2009, the Research and Development Center has profited 92.000 for encouraging better policies in the social integration of the Roma community. In 2010, 160.000 EUR have been given to the association Aid for Children, for supporting the Roma children to access education and to fight discrimination against them.

In 2010, 190.000 EUR have been given to the National Association for Education for Life. In 2010, the Murialdo Social Center in Fier has received 150.000 EUR, and the Tirana Association for Legal Aid has received 147.000 EUR for helping the legal access of the Roma population.

In 2011, Save the Children has benefited a 200.000 EUR fund for the protection and integration of the street children. In July 2012, 1.5 million EUR have been given to the UN Program for Developmnet, in a project for the support and social inclusion of the Roma and Egyptian community.

148.133 EUR have been received by the Association of Legal Service and Integrated Practices, again for access to justice. The Association Children of World and Albania have received 133.873 EUR for encouraging inter-cultural cooperation and dialogue between the institutions, NGOs and citizens.

Three million EUR have been distributed in five years, and as result, the European Union delegation, based on the reports of the NGOs that have implemented the projects, list some achievements, most of which cannot show exactly what they have done for this community.

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