Kuçova airbase, formerly built for the Warsaw Pact, is now made available to NATO crafts

17/02/2024 21:08

In Kuçove in ventral Albania, near the first NATO tactical air base in Albania, there is an aerodrome that was built during the communist era in 1952 with ‘voluntary’ work, while since January 2022, work has started here to enable the deployment of NATO air assets. -s which are expected to carry out training operations or use it for other needs of the Alliance.

“For the base of Kuçova, this is a good thing because it is set in motion. It is a base that will create opportunities for defense capabilities as well as for the economy of the city because there will be employment. It is a logistic base that will always be in development. It is in a good position not only for our country but for the whole region”, said Viktor Vangjeli, former pilot in the Kuçova regiment.

The air base of Kuçova was built to serve the Warsaw Treaty where Albania was a member in 1952, but now it will be at the disposal of NATO, the largest military alliance that serves peace and the values of western democracy.

“The area is completely open from all directions, which allows take offs even when it is raining heavily and all other planes to land without problems, as they have at other airports with strong winds like Gjadri airport or fog like in Rinas. So it was chosen not only strategically because there was an aerodrome there, but also for the flight conditions”, said Astrit Jaupi, former pilot.

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