The parson of the Albanian Autocephalous Church in Elbasan, Father Nikolla Marku, reacted to what happened in Permet.
In a declaration for the media, he called “a group of arrogant people dressed as priests” the people who “scandalously”, as he declared, used violence against uniforms. According to At Nikolla Marku, no one in Albania wants to takes churches by force, by damaging the Orthodox believers, and the problem in question can be resolved through justice and not through conflicts.
“Who treats Albania same as in 1967 to create a false image against it? Who opposes Albania and our nation with shameful blackmails, such as broken computers in the customs, mistakes in passports and other psychological tortures? It is clear, Anastas Janullats in religion and Vangjel Dule in politics, and OMONIA with the Greek minority, supported by the Golden Dawn in Greece and by the Greek politics, partially disoriented by the crisis. This band and some sold priests are planning shameful and dangerous things that damage Albania. Those who use violence are not priests or believers, but paid thugs organized by Janullats. No one in Albania wants to take churches by force and damage the Orthodox Albanians. The problem with the Culture Palace in Permet can be resolved through justice and not conflict”, declared at Nikolla Marku.
He underlined that the Permet Municipality should have used an alternative solution, but he added that the intervention of the Greek Orthodox church and that of the Foreign Ministry, and also that of the Albanian Church, are unacceptable.
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