The Democratic Party Parliamentary Group asked the new Parliament
Speaker, Ilir Meta, to leave the opposition enough time to get
acquainted with the new government’s program and discuss it in the
Albanian Parliament.
Otherwise, the leader of this political force, Lulzim Basha, declared that they would take all measures to protect what he called the basic virtues of the opposition, such as transparency and accountability.
“The opposition is facing an old mentality in the first hours of this legislature, and an old culture of communication, an attempt to violate the principles that Speaker Meta just mentioned: transparency and comprehension. This majority has asked even 10 days for much simpler issues, and now they are denying to the Albanian citizens the right to hear discussions about the government program”, Basha declared.
The Democratic Party Parliament Group leader, Edi Paloka, accused the Socialist Party Parliament Group leader, Gramoz Ruci, of being arrogant during the conference of leaders.
“I asked the Parliament Group to give more time to the Democratic Party so that we can get acquainted with the government program, in order to get prepared and discuss it in Parliament. Ruci declared with his arrogance that it is not up to the Democratic Party or anyone else to decide when the government program will be discussed”, Paloka declared, considering this stance a proof of the old method that is being used.
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