Fiks Fare TV/ The firm that paved the building road before the elections broke the sewage system and does not repair it

09/07/2024 21:15

Fiks Fare investigative program on Top Channel returned to Elbasan in central Albania, where it first reported on the “electoral asphalt” laid by the municipality before the 2023 local elections.

Now resident Mr. Mehmet Uruçi tells Fiks Fare that the company that paved the square of a building in Elbasan last year, before the local elections, damaged the sewage pipelines. He has asked the Company, the Municipality and the Waterworks to fix it, but none of them repaired it.

“The sewage waters have come to the surface, we have nowhere to go. It smells…” says Uruçi, the resident who first complained to Fiks Fare. Before the local elections on May 14, 2023, the firm ‘Asfalto Beton Elbasan’ paved the residential building square with asphalt.

But the resident says that he has turned to both the company and the municipality together with the water supply company to fix this problem, since the sewage from his house is poured onto this asphalt freely.

According to him happened after the company brought a 40-ton roller during the works which damaged the pipeline, and that the company employees lied to him by telling that the connection of the pipeline from the house to the main well had been repaired, while this was not true.

Fiks Fare contacted the company, which said that it “tried to fix it”, but the residents of the opposite building refused to let the asphalt be opened up.

Fiks Fare also received a statement from the Deputy Mayor of Elbasan Municipality, Mr. Asim Sula. He affirmed that they are aware of the problem and that he has contacted the company and they agree on fixing this problem only that according to them the problem was the residents. When it is agreed with the residents, there will be an intervention to fix the situation, not only for the benefit of Mr. Uruçi but of the whole community there. “We hope that the intervention will be done as soon as possible,” said the deputy mayor.


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