EU condemns killing of Ivanovic, Thaci appeals for cooperation

16/01/2018 12:05

After the killing of Oliver Ivanovic, Serbia interrupted immediately that talks with Kosovo which had started today in Brussels, and ordered the delegation to return in Belgrade with urgency.

The technical dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia would start this Tuesday, focusing on the Association of Serbian-Majority Communes, free-visa movement and the judiciary.

The government of Kosovo condemned the killing of the Serbian politician, saying that this action challenges the rule of law and every other effort to establish law and order in the entire territory of Kosovo.

“Violence is unacceptable, regardless where it comes from or against whom it is addressed”, says the press release of the Kosovo government.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci condemned the act and invited citizens of all communities to cooperate with justice institutions to shed light on this murder.

The Serbian President, according to Blic Newspaper, demanded an urgent meeting of the Serbian Security Council.

The EU reacted through Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson for the EU High Representative for Foreign Policies, Federica Mogherini. She said that the block condemns the murder and appealed all parties in Kosovo to show restraint as the law-enforcing authorities do their job.

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