Neymar Junior është shumë në krah të aktores dhe modeles braziliane Bruna Marquezinhe, por fansat e tij nuk e kanë harruar lidhjen e shkurtër me “bombën”, serbe Soraja Vucelic.

Marrëdhënia me “yllin” brazilian i ka dhënë shumë famë bukuroshes ballkanase, që nuk ngurron të postojë foto provokuese në rrjetet sociale.

Kur sheh fotot e Sorajas, e kupton më mirë se pse Neymar e “harroi” për pak kohë Marquezinhen.

Pic shows: Champion League star Neymar has sent a private plane for this busty Serbian starlet and model Soraya Vucelic to bring her to visit him in Barcelona.nnChampions League star Neymar, 22, has sent a private plane for busty Serbian starlet and model Soraya Vucelic to bring her to visit him in Barcelona.nnTabloid Kurir reported that Soraya, 28, and the footballer met last summer in Ibiza and since then she and the Brazilian national football team star have reportedly been chatting frequently via Skype.nnAnd the relationship later develop further when Neymar, whose full name is Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, sent an airplane to pick her up together with a close female friend.nnAccording to the newspaper reports Soraya allegedly made a trip to Neymar in Barcelona that lasted for several days.nnThe paper claims further that the couple first agreed she would visit him at the end of October, but they could not wait for that and instead he could cancel the tickets and sent a private plane to collect her instead.nnThe model later published on Instagram her sexy photo in Neymar's Barcelona FC jersey in the airplane.nnBusty Soraya Vucelic became popular in Balkans after participating in Big Brother show. Since then she has become a pinup girl for many local men and has huge local Fanclub.nn(ends)n

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