Zhura hydropower plant

28/12/2012 00:00

The Zhura Hydropower Plant project that will be constructed between
Kosovo and Albania was activated lately, but it appears that it will
create conflicts between the government of both countries.

The construction of this hydropower plant will lessen the waters of the Albanian territory, and the specialists say that it will have a negative social, environmental and ecological aspect.

“There will be serious consequences if this project will keep being implemented. At least 17 communes have their daily life based on these rivers Another urgent problem is the investment of more than 18 concessionary objects in the Albanian part of the border, the construction of which has started in some cases. This entire investment will be in vain, if this investment will be realized”, declared Mehmet Hasalami,  HPP projector.

Confidential sources say that the Kosovo authorities have reactivated the appeals for a participation in the tender, while Hasalami says that this is an international violation for waters.

“According to international agreements, no state has the right to cut any existing river. It is true that the source of these rivers is in Kosovo, but all these waters come to Albania”, Hasalami declared.

A similar debate was held a few years ago and the construction of the Zhura HPP was suspended, but it was reactivated again, while specialists demand an immediate intervention from both governments to resolve the situation.

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