Zaev: “President Ivanov just deepended the crisis”

01/03/2017 00:00

The leader of the LSDM, Zoran Zaev, reacted after the Macedonian
President, Djordje Ivanov, refused to authorize him for creating a new
government in cooperation with the Albanian parties.

Zaev declared that Ivanov must withdraw his decision and authorize him to create the new government.

“With this decision, Ivanov attacked the state. He deepened the crisis even more, by ignoring the signatures of 67 Parliament Members. With this decision, he has openly defended once again Gruevski and the VMRO-DPMNE”, Zaev said.

He underlined that the political force he leads will not allow anyone to play with the state.

“The concept that has the support of most of our citizens is the future of Macedonia. I appeal citizens to not fall for provocations. We have seen this before from Gruevski and Ivanov. The President must withdraw this decision and authorize the mandate that is guaranteed by Constitution”, Zaev said.

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