Drug use by teenagers is one of the most worrying issues of Albanian society.
During this week the issue has been at the center of discussions after the police operation that arrested drug dealers near schools. The number has increased significantly in recent years, but what are the causes that lead young people to use drugs?
“As far as teenagers are concerned, we know that there are several influencing factors: the age at which they are, the social pressure they have, the way they are treated by the family. If we have parents who use narcotics, the child can definitely become a user of narcotics. So, in a way, we have almost like an open road to make them become sellers or users of narcotics”, says psychologist Arjana Muça.
The lack of income to buy drugs, given that they are of a young age, is one of the weak points used by dealers to introduce these young people into their ‘network’, not only as users but also to turned them into distributors.
“It is precisely this that pushes them towards the path of not only being drug users but also distributors, which provides them with some income. What is evident is that in the beginning these narcotics are offered for free in small quantities until they bring them closer within their groups and then turn them to distributors for reasons of profit”, stressed the psychologist.
Cooperation between family members and teachers is an important step in identifying the cases of dependency, so as to give the necessary help to young people to start rehabilitation.
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