Young job seekers

05/05/2012 19:55

Although the young Albanians finish their studies and receive the respective diplomas, it is difficult for them to find a job.

According to INSTAT and the International Labor Organization (ILO), the unemployment level among young people goes to 27.2%, and the chances for a young person to find a job are 2.5 times smaller than for a grown up.

The young men do not insist finding a job that fits their diploma, and many of them can be found working in Tirana’s call centers, because their diplomas have no value.

According to the directors of one Call Center in Tirana, there is a flux of requests from young people to get employed.

“There are many people who want to work. We have grown with 100% each year, and I think that we are among the companies with the highest level of employed young people, almost all of them graduated in universities”, declared Agron Shehaj, a Call Center businessman.

Before every campaign, the employment policies for young people occupy an important role in the political parties’ programs, but they are never implemented, making unemployment to grow with alarming figures and leaving graduate young men on the streets.

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