Fatmir Xhafaj, Socialist Party MP who has led the judiciary reform from
its beginning, now that the Vetting Commissions are established says
that he is happy that the judiciary purging process entered a course of
no return.
“This process will take some time, but it is necessary to make way for the vetting of judges and prosecutors. It will start from the highest hierarchy of the system, the Prosecution General, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and so on”, Xhafaj said.
The former Chairman of the Judiciary Reform was understanding with those who doubt the integrity of some Vetting Commission members. However, he has a warning:
“This is a difficult process. It is just the beginning of this process. There has been a really good effort to select the very best. Naturally, there could be some inappropriate figures among them. It remains to be proven in the days to come. But I am convinced that if there are such people, they will not be part of these structures any longer”, Xhafaj declared.
The implementation of the Vetting Law doesn’t mean only a cleansing of the judiciary system. Fatmir Xhafaj said what everyone is expecting after the establishing of the Special Prosecution and the Nationa Bureau of Investigation.
“We have just started the second phase of this historic process, the implementation of the judiciary reform. We are going to prepare for the next important phase, the cleansing of politics from corrupted people, a process that will be realized by honest judges and prosecutors, independent and with integrity”, Xhafaj said.
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