Women in the Albanian police

11/09/2012 20:00

In the framework of improving professional ethics on duty as well as for
the implementation of a UN program that aims to increase the number of
women in the Albanian police, 83 of them will be on ground trainers for
patrols starting from today.

The seventh course of the basic school, among the 189 graduated people has Republika, the girl from Lazarat and former Big Brother member.

Republika says that her dream became reality and she warns everyone to be careful in the area where she patrols.

“For me this is a dream coming true. This is s job that I will carry out with dedication, justice and responsibility, which is the most important of all”, declared Republika Kasmahu.

The Interior Minister mentioned the role of women in police and asked everyone to pass the last test with success, the war against crime.

“The girls and women in the state police are a great achievement for the entire troop. Now you will have the ground training program for 22 weeks”, Minister Noka declared.

This is the first course of the police academy where men and women are on equal numbers.

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