Wiretapping sinks former ministër as Beqaj used the driver’s phone to manage secret restaurant

30/12/2023 15:54

In the file of the SPAK prosecution for the former Minister of Health, Ilir Beqaj, accused of abuses with public tenders, there are references to incriminating telephone interceptions.

The prosecutors said that former minister Beqaj communicated with Ermal Kurtulaj, Coordinator of the EUSAIR project, while using the phone of his driver, Arben Dani.

In the file, the conversations that Beqaj had with Kurtulaj about the restaurant “Gzona” have been published. The restaurant was a hidden property of Beqaj, who from 2021 held the position of the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination (SASPAC).

Based on the intercepted telephone conversation, the prosecution now suspects that citizens Ilir Beqaj and Ermal Kurtulaj have made investments in that restaurant. “These doubts also arise from the conversation that took place on the date. 14.12.2023, 11:33, between Ermal Kurtulaj no. x and no. 0X (identified as the number of the citizen Arben Dani, but in this conversation the citizen Ilir Begaj speaks”, the investigation file states.

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