The show “Fiks Fare” brought tonight the abuses with the administration of the strong sedative methadone in Durrës.
The distribution point of this medicine, which is used as an alternative to get away from drugs, abuses its administration. In day rehabilitation centers for drug users, methadone is easily obtained and then resold on the street for 1000 or 2000 ALL. Fiks Fare bought methadone several days in a row at this point.
But beyond the question of money, the misuse or overdose of methadone leads to death.
The program’s collaborators brought conversations with the doctor who dispenses the methadone, in whose presence the user must consume it. But this thing not only does not happen, but in a plastic can, the “doctor” throws methadone in exchange for money, without knowing who will consume it or in what quantity.
The person who made the connection between Fiks Fare’s co-worker and the doctor was the guard of the hospital parking lot, who also guides you about the payments to be made.
In all three sales, the doctor was aware that this was not allowed, but continued to sell.
The program brought conversations with methadone users whose names are on the lists of people who take it for free as they are in therapy. But even these, after they take the methadone in a plastic bottle and do not consume it in front of the doctor, sell it for profit a few meters away.
Fiks Fare’s co-worker bought it from one of them, who told her that he had doses for 5 days at home, but again that day he had taken for another 2 days.
The user even points out that there is a lot of abuse at the distribution point. Some people, he says, take a lot and sell it, by justifying themselves that they spilled it or lost it.
So even though it is a strong drug prone to addiction, no one checks where these users take methadone. Thus, they risk that instead of getting off heroin, they may end up dying of an overdose. But like everything, it seems that even “human life” has turned into a business in the times we live in.
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