While Albania-Kosovo trade exchanges drop, Serbian companies might take advantage

13/01/2017 00:00

Albanian exports with Kosovo dropped with 25% during 2016, while imports
increased with only 3%, according to the Institution of Statistics.

This has brought concerns among business leaders in both countries, who say the gaps are being used by other countries of the region, meaning Serbia.

“Many countries of the region, and even others, are very aggressive. And it is easier to infiltrate their products when we are divided. This is why we need to be more active”, said Safet Gerxhaliu, Chairman of the Kosovo Chamber of Economy.

“The simplification of Customs procedures is not enough. Kosovo and Albania have not yet earned the status of being competitive in the region with their products. The obstacles come from the lack of support and the lack of subvention policies”, said the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in Albania, Nikolin Jaka.

Businesses in Kosovo and Albania demand more actions than words, and higher trust on Albanian products.

“You cannot resolve economic problems with meetings between Prime Ministers, which is more for show, than for finding a solution”, Gerxhaliu said.

“We need to focus more on Albanian and Kosovo products. We should be more dedicated to our identity and to the famous buy-Albanian expression”, Jaka added.

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