Western Balkan Ministerial, Kosovo and Albania confronted by Serbia and Bosnia

30/11/2018 17:49

WB6, the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Foreign Ministers, was not very calm, as the Foreign Ministers of Kosovo and Albania, Pacolli and Bushati, asked for a minor addition to the joint declaration, but it was not received well by the Foreign Ministers of Bosnia and Serbia.

The Kosovo Foreign Minister made a request to include in the joint declaration a paragraph for mutually respecting Kosovo at the CEFTA agreement, and that this request was supported by the government of Albania. Bushati confirmed that he asked a positive decision for Pacolli’s request, and appealed for compromise.

The debate continued as the Albanian Foreign Minister said that if Bosnia and Serbia have no understanding, it would be very easy for Kosovo and Albania to go back to their nationalist stances, but this wouldn’t help compromise.

“If it is a problem for Serbia and Bosnia to include just mutual respect for Kosovo in the implementation of the CEFTA agreement, then Albania stands by Kosovo and will not agree with any other declaration”, Bushati said.

The WB6 meeting concluded with a joint declaration in which the Albanian side insisted to vote with consensus the mutual respecting of Kosovo.

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