Well-known Democratic opposition MP Mark Marku has said he will not be part of the new Assembly, resigning from the seat he won in the April 25th elections.
He made the news known through an editorial in the printed media.
Sources close to the DP headquarters confirmed for Top Channel the resignation of Mark Markut, who has made strong accusations not only against current chairman Lulzim Basha but also the former chairman Sali Berisha, for whom he says that have turned the Democratic Party into an entity that only protects their personal interests, and serves the servile.
Marku adds that this was seen after the April 25 elections and in the elections within the DP for the new head, where no one raised their voice to tell the truth but remained silent out of servility towards President Basha.
For Marku, the DP chairman campaign election was without vision and did not bring any platform for change for the Democrats to return to power.
He also had strong criticism for the DP Assembly, of which he said that Basha’s speech left the Democrats even more unclear about the “party’s new vision”.
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