WB: “Lower remittances and trust reduce consumption”

28/09/2015 12:45

Consumption in Albania is expected to drop during 2015, according to the
World Bank, due to lower remittances and consumers’ trust, which is
still low due to the problematic situation of the job market. The Bank
notes through their representative, Hilda Shijaku, that despite the
recent improvements, unemployment remains high.

The World Bank representative of the World Bank in Tirana, Tahseen Sayed, said that every government should provide social assistance for categories in need, referring to the energy reforms, informality, etc.

The World Bank introduced the economic report for Southeastern Europe. According to this report, Albania has a slow inflation due to the weak internal request and higher prices.

Albania has the highest level of bad loans in the region, at the level 21%, according to the report.

“The problem of bad loans requires immediate measures for freeing this burden from balances of banks related to the execution of collaterals or improved procedures for collecting loans”, according to Shijaku.

The WB supports the recent government operation against informality, considering it important for the reduction of the fiscal evasion.

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